A Poem - I see you..

Do you have something that has become part of your soul? Something for which your heart never ceases to beat? Something that dwells coercively in back of your mind? Wish - Untold or Unfulfilled; Dream or a Nightmare; Love - Conquered or Shunned; Undying Hope or Secret Rendezvous; It can be anything and if you are affirmative to these question then this poem is for you.

Stars woven through a clutch,
I see you..
In the chamber of recurring dreams,
I see you..
Thy the mirage in the oasis so lush
I see you..
Farthest horizon; my eyes could reach,
I see you..
Those secret ravines flowing through slopes,
I see you..
Oh the beauty of moonlight so alluring,
I see you..
There galaxies; far far away,
I see you..
Through the dusk so nebulous,
I see you..
Wake up to the misty dawn,
I see you..
Thy the pearl of the deeps,
I see you..

- Miss Sunshine


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