"Happiness" - Quite Underrated

We as an Indian Society has underrated many important things of life which are part and parcel of being "Alive". One of them is "Happiness".  Blindly following the societal norms has ultimately lead us to compromise with our inner happiness.

"Are you happy?" - Take a moment and answer the following questions.

When did the last time you were asked this question ? or Have you asked someone the same?
How many times in your life span you were being asked about it ?  
When was the last time you did something out for your own happiness ?

Your answers would eventually make you realise how you too had been ignorant to the importance of happiness through the years. But no surprise here, as we have been brought up with preconceived notions like "Chalta hai", "Adjust Karo", "Aisa he hota hai", etc.

According to World Happiness Report - 2017, India ranked 122nd out of 156 countries (ref. India ranks 122nd in World Happiness Report, behind its neighbours Pakistan and China) and ranked  133rd in 2018 (ref. India Is 133 Out Of 156 On World Happiness Index, Behind Pakistan!). No wonder, We Indians have litany of reasons to 'excel' with such ranking on a global map. 

Though happiness can not always be blessing, it can be a matter of choice. Life is never easy and its under no obligation to be so. You were not brought into this world with a promise of having a life that will be a Bed of Roses.  Its a personal outlook to life which brings happiness within and the people around you contribute hugely to that. 

"Log Kya Kahenge?", "4 log kya sochenge?", etc. We all have came across these frantic lines once(or even more) in our lifetime. But who are these "Log"? Are they aliens sent on earth with a mission to talk about anything and anyone? No! Those "log" are "We". We, the society has introduced ourselves as a hypothetical "Log" to create a hysteria about the consequences of not following "Society Commandments" and living on our own terms. And these so called commandments are reason to many deaths of "Happiness". We have always compromised with our happiness out of societal fears.

Next time,
- Think twice before gossiping about someone's dream, ambition or life. Try not to be among those "4 log".
- Think twice before giving up on your dreams, wishes, ambition, love or anything which is a source(or may be the only source) of complete joy and happiness for you.

So friends, take time out of your busy schedule and ask your close one "Are you happy?".

Lastly, few lines...

चलो कोई निशाँ ढूँढ़ते हैं, 
दिल का बहता हुआ कारवाँ ढूँढ़ते हैं, 
मुद्दत हो गयी है मुस्कराये हुए, 
चलो खुशी का कोई जहां ढूँढ़ते हैं। 

- Unknown


  1. Exact lines..... this generation need bloggers like u,someone to think so deep, to wake people up..😊

  2. Awesome article ...thanks for sharing with me.o

  3. True lines...wake up guys and find your original "SMILE"

  4. Agreed with few thoughts of you, but sometimes 'log kya kahege' gives positive energy also to chase your dreams.
    Nice blog, keep it up...

    1. Thanks Hitesh. And we will discuss more on this when we'll meet ;)

  5. Nice lines...happiness is in yourself...
    All the best

  6. We all want to feel happy, and each one of us has different ways of getting there. So listen to your heart , follow your dreams and forget that
    ‘ log kya kahenge '.

  7. Amazing Article, and nicely explained.
    Keep it up.

  8. Awesome blog ... Forgot those "4 log" and live a life that you want and listen to your HEART.

  9. Nice lines... Specially v ladies hv no time fr ourselves.. V hv to find time for our own life nd happines...

  10. Nice lines.. thank u so much for sharing with me.. all the best dear..

  11. Very good lines. Thanks for sharing. Stay happy 😊

  12. Beautiful words.. but have you seen anyone, Indian or otherwise, in this modern world who is truly happy ?

    1. I have not found the one who is truly happy may be because everybody are ok with being unhappy and thats what has driven me to write this blog - “Happiness” - Quite Underrated. :-)


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