Rise Up..

Sometimes you are knocked down by a life in a way that makes you feel you are broken to eternity. The constant pang that you feel in your heart does not let you get up either. Your brain keeps on replaying what happened rather than focussing on what could be next. What bad had been done was a one-time thing but we unapologetically scourge ourselves by rubbing salt on our own wounds while what should be taken care of is a healing. It's completely fine if you feel all the pain but do not make it your favourite abode. Strengthen yourself and get up from all the odds; Try to survive, and in the process, you might start living again. There is always a light at the end of the tunnel, you have to just keep moving. Falling is bad but not getting up is worse. Why be harsh on yourself? Why hurt yourself by rewinding the same episode ever and anon? Why chastise yourself for the fault of others? Stop now! Be kind to yourself, Be a warrior, lift your arm...